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RedBull Oman

A new mobile phone service.

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Merchant Info

  • RedBull Card OR1

    RedBull Card OR1

    Item price: 2.8 USD
  • RedBull Card OR3

    RedBull Card OR3

    Item price: 8.4 USD
  • RedBull Card OR4

    RedBull Card OR4

    Item price: 11.2 USD
  • RedBull Card OR5

    RedBull Card OR5

    Item price: 14 USD
  • RedBull Card OR6

    RedBull Card OR6

    Item price: 16.8 USD
  • RedBull Card OR10

    RedBull Card OR10

    Item price: 28 USD
  • RedBull Card OR15

    RedBull Card OR15

    Item price: 42 USD


A new mobile phone service, a sense of experiencing new communication features, and enjoying the unique Red Bull world

Service Features

  • 1-You can transfer data and credit for your friends who are members of the Red Bull MOBILE community or request a transfer from them
  • 2- Book tickets for Red Bull events, enjoy the hottest concerts, movies and shows on Red Bull TV, and take advantage of discounts on new merchandise from Red Bull..