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QUICK net cards - STC

QUICK net cards are the best solution to recharge your internet from anywhere

You are here: Homepage > Data Cards > QUICK net cards - STC

Merchant Info

  • QUICKNet  - 10 GB for 3 Months

    QUICKNet - 10 GB for 3 Months

    Item price: 201.25 SAR
  • QUICKNet 35GB + 45GB Streaming EVD for 1 Month.

    QUICKNet 35GB + 45GB Streaming EVD for 1 Month.

    Item price: 115 SAR
  • Quicknet EVD PP - 100GB + 19GB social media for 1 month

    Quicknet EVD PP - 100GB + 19GB social media for 1 month

    Item price: 195.5 SAR
  • QUICKNet 80GB + 90GB Streaming EVD for 2 Months.

    QUICKNet 80GB + 90GB Streaming EVD for 2 Months.

    Item price: 253 SAR
  • QUICKNet 100GB + 120GB Streaming EVD for 3 Months.

    QUICKNet 100GB + 120GB Streaming EVD for 3 Months.

    Item price: 368 SAR
  • QuickNet - 300 GB for 3 Months.

    QuickNet - 300 GB for 3 Months.

    Item price: 517.5 SAR
  • QuickNet - GB500 6 Months.

    QuickNet - GB500 6 Months.

    Item price: 862.5 SAR
  • QUICKNet - 1000GB for 1 Year

    QUICKNet - 1000GB for 1 Year

    Item price: 1725 SAR
  • QUICKNet - Unlimited for 7 days.

    QUICKNet - Unlimited for 7 days.

    Item price: 109.25 SAR
  • QUICKNet - Unlimited for 1 Month.

    QUICKNet - Unlimited for 1 Month.

    Item price: 373.75 SAR
  • QUICKNet EVD 5G - unlimited for 3 months

    QUICKNet EVD 5G - unlimited for 3 months

    Item price: 1121.25 SAR
  • QuickNet Roaming - 20 GB for 1 Week

    QuickNet Roaming - 20 GB for 1 Week

    Item price: 287.5 SAR
  • QuickNet Roaming - 50 GB for 1 Month

    QuickNet Roaming - 50 GB for 1 Month

    Item price: 402.5 SAR
  • QUICKNet Unlimited streaming + 100GB for 1 Month

    QUICKNet Unlimited streaming + 100GB for 1 Month

    Item price: 316.25 SAR


QUICK net cards are the best solution to recharge your internet from anywhere. Recharging your Internet has been easier, with the QUICK net Recharge cards is brought to you by STC.There are several cards to suit your needs.

How To Use

  • Call #, then recharge number, *155*.
  • Send a message to 900 with Recharge number (space) 155.
  • Call 1500, and select recharge from the list, then insert the recharge card code.
  • Log on to the website sawa (https://my.stc.com.sa/) recharge page then insert the mobile number to be recharged, then the recharge card code.
  • Log on to the website Quicknet (https://www.stc.com.sa/content/stc/sa/ar/personal/mobile/quicknet/quicknet-prepaid.html) recharge page then insert the DataSIM number to be recharged, then the recharge code.
  • Using MyStc application.