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You are here: Homepage > GiftCards > Carrefour

Merchant Info

  • Carrefour GiftCard SR 50

    Carrefour GiftCard SR 50

    Item price: 50 SAR
  • Carrefour GiftCard SR 100

    Carrefour GiftCard SR 100

    Item price: 100 SAR
  • Carrefour GiftCard SR 500

    Carrefour GiftCard SR 500

    Item price: 500 SAR
  • Carrefour GiftCard SR 1000

    Carrefour GiftCard SR 1000

    Item price: 1000 SAR


Buy Carrefour’s gift card online and use it in any of our stores. Enjoy your shopping to our amazing offers and discounts in all sections.

Service Features

A gift for your loved ones.
Buy Carrefour’s gift card online and use it in any of our stores. Enjoy your shopping to our amazing offers and discounts in all sections.

How To Use

  • Carrefour gift cards can be used for full or partial payment at any Carrefour store. Any balance of the record will be stored in the dialog box in the future.
  • Terms and Conditions:

  • This eGift Card is only valid for a one-time purchase of its full value.
  • This eGift Card is valid in any Carrefour or Carrefour Market listed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Not valid on Carrefour Online.
  • This eGift Card is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash or refunded.
  • Visit https://www.carrefourksa.com/store-finder
  • eGift automatically expires after 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.