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More than 118,000 properties in more than 259 cities and provinces around Saudi Arabia.

You are here: Homepage > GiftCards > Gathern

Merchant Info

  • Gathern GiftCard SAR 200

    Gathern GiftCard SAR 200

    Item price: 200 SAR
  • Gathern GiftCard SAR 300

    Gathern GiftCard SAR 300

    Item price: 300 SAR
  • Gathern GiftCard SAR 500

    Gathern GiftCard SAR 500

    Item price: 500 SAR
  • Gathern GiftCard SAR 1000

    Gathern GiftCard SAR 1000

    Item price: 1000 SAR


More than 118,000 properties in more than 259 cities and provinces around Saudi Arabia From the West to the East, from the North to the South, explore the beauty of Saudi Arabia with the best properties in the world.

How To Use

  • Visit https://gathern.co/
  • Login or create a new account.
  • On checkout page, tap on ‘Discount’,Enter the Gift Card number before completing the payment.
  • Click Redeem. And Enjoy!
  • Terms & Conditions:

  • The voucher is vaild for 6 months.
  • this eGift card must be redeemed at Gathern.
  • This eGift Card is only valid for a one time purchase to the full value.
  • The Gift Card cannot be replaced, refunded, returned, reloaded, redeemed for more than face value, redeemed for cash, returned for cash, or transferred to another account.
  • Gift Cards must be obtained from an authorized third party, and you are: Responsible for safeguarding your Gift Card number and PIN from unauthorized use.
  • Only use your reference number to communicate a gift card(s) complaint and never share the gift card number or PIN with anyone in any circumstance.
  • Gathern is not responsible if any Gift Card is lost, stolen, or destroyed or if your Gift Card is used without your permission.
  • Gathern is not liable for any refunds or replacement if the gift card has not been redeemed before the expiry date.
  • Items purchased by the eGift Card are refundable as per the refund and exchange policy of the store